Bog om e-læring af Claus Nygaard

E-learning 1.0 2.0 3.0 in Higher Education - Claus Nygaard - Rhiannon Evans - Libri Publishing LtdBog om e-læring

Denne bog om e-læring beskriver, hvordan e-læring bedst kan anvendes i undervisning. Omend bogens fokus er på universitetsuddannelser, kan indsigterne og erfaringerne med e-læring sagtens overføres til andre kontekster for kompetenceudvikling.

Claus Nygaard har til bogen udviklet terminologien e-læring 1.0, 2.0, og 3.0, der knyttes aktivt til tre forskellige læringsteorier. Forstålsen af de konkrete koblinger mellem e-læringsteknologi og læringsteori gør det muligt at designe kompetenceudviklingsforløb med positiv effekt.

E-learning 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 in Higher Education er udgivet på det engelske forlag Libri Publishing Ltd og distribueres til hele verden.

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—0Oo— Fra bogens bagside og introduktion —oOo—

E-learning in Higher Education: three perspectives, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0

Are you prepared for a completely new take on e-learning in higher education?

Then read this book on e-learning in higher education!

As you read this book, you are introduced to a novel framework for e-learning in higher education, which links three types of e-learning to three learning perceptions.

In the book, the authors distinguish between these three types of e-learning in higher education:

  • e-learning 1.0 (distribution),
  • e-learning 2.0 (dialogue), and
  • e-learning 3.0 (construction).

In their framework, they actively link the use of e-learning in higher education to three theoretical perceptions of learning:

  • e-learning 1.0 (behavioural learning theory),
  • e-learning 2.0 (cognitive learning theory), and
  • e-learning 3.0 (social learning theory).

This book guides you to a well-informed design and use of e-learning in Higher Education

By its novel framework for e-learning, the book, E-learning 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 in Higher Education, guides you to a well-informed design and use of e-learning activities in higher education.

As you read, you are invited to reflect on your e-learning practice.

  1. Do you use e-learning mainly as a way to distribute information to students in the digital domain?
  2. Do you use e-learning as a way to enhance online communication between learners?
  3. Do you use e-learning as a way to develop an academic identity of students?

Most often, best practice is reflected practice

The book introduces eight examples of reflected practice, as faculty members share their use-cases of e-learning technologies. Reading their examples of e-learning design, you are invited to reflect on your design of e-learning in higher education.

Therefore, reading the book may be beneficial to you, as its framework for e-learning and its use-cases may well inspire you to reflect more carefully about your e-learning practice.

E-learning 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 in Higher Education will enable you to use its novel framework for e-learning and its link to associated learning theories to inform your design and use of e-learning technologies – for the benefit not only of you as a teacher but more importantly for the engagement and learning outcomes of your students.